My LADY shadow!

My lady Shadow 23/9/16


What do I explain to you, without you I’m not here. Am not present and it’s very dear.

What do you know about my love for you, I only wait for two, my mothers shadow and you.

Your my heart and your my soul… my breath, my lady and my life partner as a whole.

You follow my every step, you hide behind me and give me a scare. If you just stayed with me, my life would be yours, your more special to me then a mountain of Gold.

My life is yours… without each other we cease to exist. A shadow is only present, when an object exists.

What do I do… you’ve got to believe me! I’ve aways waited for the perfect shadow lady.

Now your here, I can’t leave you, I want us to become one, would you accompany me beneath the moon, shadows and sun.

In your eyes, I only see my smile. In you I only see my love, peace and wife.

My wish is that I always be besides you.. in the comfort of my arms, and the body heat of your palms. Our shadows next to each other, under the sun as one.


Approve us… I’ll wait for you


Love is made in heaven… hearts are what package it… and people distribute it… but I only love you and I will only love you…  only then will our shadow and bodies live as one.

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